We Offer

Scratch Programming

  • Scratch is a free educational tool from MIT that offers an intuitive approach into basic coding concepts using drag and drop programming
  • Kids  will create animations and classic games like Maze
  • Kids will leave the workshop with ideas on designing and creating their own interactive
  • Games using SCRATCH

MIT App Inventor: Mobile App Development 

  • LEARN to use MIT Mobile App Inventor – an intuitive, visual programming environment that allows everyone to build fully functional apps for smartphones
  • Kids will learn the basics of programming apps by building creative, socially useful mobile apps using MIT’s App Inventor
  • Kids will leave the workshop with a working app, knowledge to build apps of their own design, and a technology patch


Learn how to use HTML and CSS to build your first web page

– Learn basics of HTML
– Learn basics  of CSS
– Build your first Web page

Learn to solve a Rubik’s Cube workshop

Learn the basic algorithm to solve a 2 by 2 Rubik’s cube and 3 by 3 Rubik’s cube

Why do kids need to learn to solve a Rubik’s cube?

In this digitized world, learning to solve a Rubik’s cube will help the youth’s overall well being and promotes confidence. It will help improve their analytical and logical skills.

It has been found that engaging brains in mental activities like solving puzzles, cognitive games can help keep the mind sharp.

A few of mental benefits are:

  • Problem-solving skills
  • Optimization
  • Re-framing problems (from an outsider’s view)
  • Breaking multiple tasks into easy steps

It also teaches life lessons like perseverance, patience, ability to focus, concentration etc.